Outrun is an arcade racing classic and bringing the success home to an 8-bit console was a large ask indeed, however, I think Sega did a good job here packing most of what was in the arcade into the humble home console of the Sega Master System. To be clear, later ports with better hardware are better and this port doesn't look or sound as good as the arcade. While this is a hit and does detract from the experience in comparison, for an 8-bit racer I still think that this port of Outrun looks good, sounds great, and handles well. All the staples you would look for in a competent racer. Probably my main complaint is that it kept a lot of the design philosophies of the arcade in being a port. There isn't any story here, and successful completion of a track path is likely dependent upon you memorizing turns (especially if they come while going up a hill) since running into a couple obstacles means you may not reach your next checkpoint.
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