Great fighter game, just give it some time.

User Rating: 8.5 | Over G Fighters X360
I love jet games, the good ol' days of Janes F-15.This feels like that but looks better. This game gives you enough realism and arcade to keep you happy. The only negative is no checkpoints during mission. I hate flying for twenty minutes and dieing from my target and having to start over from the beginning. The muliplayer is little confusing, or at least for me, stick to dogfighting not the arena mode. In arena mode you'll lose without ever seeing another player or dieing. But the singleplayer arena is hours of fun, taking off, shooting down a few planes, land, rearm and going back up. Yes this game seems like a cheap game, but the detail on realism is great. I can only believe the only reason to hate this game is your looking for Ace Combat and they didn't have it so you got this. I truly believe i'm flying when I'm playing. If your looking for a good jet fighter, this is it.