Not the best dogfight game, but definately a good flight sim.

User Rating: 6.1 | Over G Fighters X360
Well i bought this game with dogfighting in my mind. Thinking that they finally released another Ace Combat... but much to my dispair.

I mean overall its not too bad a game, the missions can get a bit repetative and at time really quite boring. But remember this aint Ace combat, so its not meant to be about the dog fights, but more on flight control and handling.
Must say that i was really quite disapointed in the graphics, i mean the planes looked awesome, but the landscape was appaulling. From a flat ocean with not a ripple in site, to the perfectly flat desert, or the square rocks on the sides of cliffs.
Really all in all this could have been a much better game, and leaves a lot of room for improvment. However i am still playing, so it isn't all that bad.
Would recommend renting, rather then buying.