I don't really think there's a reason for this game to exist. It's not fun or groundbreaking, and its irritating as sin.
The graphics are ok. They have big characters and lush colourful backgrounds, but there's like two-frame animations and very little motion going on. The sound is bad. Like holy **** bad. The sound effects are humongously irritating, and so is the music. Turn the volume down as soon as you pop it in.
Holy krap where do I start? Getting Pac-Man to do what you want him to do is almost near-impossible, and it's incredibly frustrating when he gets mad and doesn't listen to you. There's frequent blind enemy placings that jump out of no-where, forcing you to start the levels over frequently, not that they're entertaining in any way possible to begin with. And never have I seen a game where if you screw up once you're screwed for the rest of the level. Like if you forget to press a switch or you run out of power pellets, you might as well reset the game and start over 'cause there's no way around it. Plus, it's really boring and incredibly confusing in some sections when it doesn't need to be. Ungh.
Raplayability and Value:
If you actually have the patience to complete this game, you'll come back for another round or two eventually, but there's nothing new in this game that would make you want to come back for more. No one wants to replay a game that sucks ass.
If you know what you're doing it's mildly fun, and I will say that the hand-gliding levels are cool, but this game is way to irritating and frustrating to even stand a chance against all the other great SNES classics you can spend your money on.If you're a Pac-Man nostalgic freak, there's a few cool cameos here and there, plus the original Pac-Man arcade game to make this game worth 1 or 2 playthroughs over a weekend, but there's by no means any reason for this game to be in your collection.