Though its gimmick may have been unique for its time, Adventure 2 is a boring experience in today's gaming.

User Rating: 4 | Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures GEN
In more aspects than one Pac-Man 2 Adventure feels like an odd attempt at getting a PC game on a console . The game has you controlling Pac-Man via moving the in-game cursor with your controller. Pac-Man is constantly moving, so you'll have to affect the environment somehow to get him to point A to point B. This makes every chapter a unique puzzle where you must get Pac-Man to a certain point in a certain way. You'll point Pac-Man onward in a straight line in his quest to find certain items such as…baby milk bottles???? Ridiculous plotline aside, Pac-Man 2 is a goofy though clever puzzle game.

The gimmick may sound interesting on paper, but unfortunately this is where Pac-Man 2 Adventure fails. Using the Genesis' loose control stick or the SNES' blocky control pad seems to always feel imprecise and slow, and since Pac-Man walks way too fast, trying to get to a roadblock before he does to clear it out of his way is always frustratingly difficult. Adventure's trial n' error premise is evident in every puzzle you try to do, which makes the control scheme feel even worse. There's only one way to get past a roadblock; not multiple ways, just ONE. Clicking on the wrong thing will usually domino other items (usually hitting you) making you lose a life: tripping on a skateboard, hitting your head on something…Pac-Man is so wimpy its not even funny.

Flops aside, there's not much else to look forward to in this game, though I have to admit that the sprite animations are pretty good. However, the music can be terribly annoying and repetitive. Namco should've opted for a plat former, then maybe this game would've been enjoyable. In this stage, it's a forgettable, boring, and an all around bad game that probably wouldn't have faired as well on the PC either. You could do a lot better than to buy this misadventure.