You either Love This game or Hate it, I Love It.
This is where the whole love hate thing come's in, on if you really liked the original Pacman you probably thought this game was stupid, but if you like a different sort of game with humor you would like this game. Their are four missions in this game, yeah it makes the game short however you can make Pacman do so many things that can make this game really long, sure there isn't some outstanding game play it's just a really fun game, you point and shoot a slingshot at objects that make different things happen during the game, you can play through the whole game by just completing the missions really fast or you can complete it by pissing Pacman off the whole time, and the game will take much more time. If you are looking to just be done with the game it probably isn't going to be a whole lot of fun, but if you try going everywhere trying different things, you will get more out of this game, I'm not saying this game is perfect but I just really enjoy, it's a really funny game and it's definitely weird but that's why I think I liked it so much.
Every place you go has something special and funny about it, I guess what it really comes down to for this game is if, you are a serious gamer or not. This game wasn't meant to be a game with some outstanding game play, it's a game that shouldn't be taken serious and just play for fun and laughs.
The reason I really like this game was the humor their are so many part where I Just literally lmao, It's just a really funny game. The only flaw I could really find with this game is the Bubble Gum Monster there is no fun in beating him and you have to keep tapping the slingshot button over and over again and it seems like he'll never die. and some people don't like when Pacman never listens to what you tell him to do well as long as you keep him happy throughout most of the game he will listen to you, sure their are some points in the game where even when he is happy he will do something you do not want him to do but you usually have a chance to get through these situations so I don't see that as much of a flaw.
Overall I just really like this game some might not. If you are a Pacman fan approach this game carefully it might not be what you think it is, if you like to play games with humor you will like this game, if you like torturing the character you play as this game is definitely for you, and if you like trying different things you might also like this game.