This game is definitively to be in your Xbox Live Arcade!!
Gameplay: This game plays out extremely well and the best thing is you try to beat your friends high-scores. You start off as PAC MAN and you see to green ghosts that appear to be asleep and thinking what in the world? But as you go on a side of them you discover that they wake up and follow you around the maze like little zombies. When you get a certain amount of points a ghost comes out just like in the original PAC Man games, except it is only one. When you play you also have several advantages. For instance you have the bomb. The bomb is usually used for times when PAC Man is sure to die you use it and all the ghost that are awake and following you will go to that little box in the center of the maze. One of the things that i found interesting about all the mazes is that every time you eat a fruit the maze changes. When this happens you usually have to go in a certain pattern to get all the ghost in the quickest amount of time.
Gameplay Part 2: When you are competing online against your friends for the number one spot on your friends leaderboard it is actually rewarding when you can get to the top of the leaderboard it is fun to rub it into your friends faces that you are the best. If you really challenge yourself you can go for the top 5,000 on the worldwide leaderboards to achieve this goal you must do every level on every map. It is actually quite satisfying when you achieve this goal. It is also quite satisfying when you eat that string of thirty ghosts in a row and get the achievement.
Achievements difficulty: This is going to be a short paragraph so ill cut to the chase. The Achievements are just wayyyyy to easy to get except for one which is to beat the second to last stage which is called Half. That is the only spoiler I am going to give you.
The verdict: This is an outstanding game so here are the numbers:
Gameplay Satisfaction 9.7/10
Gameplay Overall 9.9/10
Online Leaderboard System 9.5/10
Achievement Difficulty: 8.5/10
Overall 9.5/10