Finally a true re-invention of this classic arcade game.
For the most part, across all the modes you'll be playing the screen in two halves, the right and the left. It's built to really utilize a widescreen tv, but looks just fine on standard televisions. The way it works is as you clear one side of the screen a fruit will appear on the other side, eating that fruit will cause the side you cleared to refill.
This causes for some fast paced frantic gameplay because it's very difficult to predict whats coming up. Eventually the patterns will start looping, but for the most part it's anyones guess what will come next. I should note to that not only does the pellet positions change, but the actual walls and the level itself will change, ranging from merely a narrow path to almost the whole side open. This change forces you to reconsider your eating strategy and whatnot everytime it changes as well.
Each mode in this game has a time limit instead of being endless like the original Pac-Man. Your ultimate goal is to survive the time limit (10 minutes is a lot longer than you may think), but after you've got that down it's all about points. You can gain back lives by eating ghosts and fruits and whatnot which is a huge plus. I kinda wish there was an endless mode to, but it's not a big deal because I'm still struggling through some of the 10 minute modes.
The premise of each one changes up a bit to. In some you start real slow and work your way up to extreme speeds, but in others you'll stick at a moderate speed or a fast speed, and one even darkens the entire board allowing you to only see a small area around you. That one can get real intense. So, to all 360 owners, I say this is a great addition to your live arcade. It's a fun reinvention of a classic game and offers a ton of replay. The achievements are pretty much all based around beating the different modes minus a few score X points that aren't to difficult. But the urge to get better is enough to keep you coming back to Pac-Man Championship Edition.