Pac Man, and a fun time, that just about covers it...
I'll start with the Pac Man World 2 game. The gameplay is a fun combination of platforming and action with classic Pac Man type puzzle fun throw into the mix. If you played the first Pac Man World on playstation and enjoyed that, you'll most likely enjoy this one as well as it plays fairly similiar, only looks a bit better now. I'm fairly certain that the gc version looks a bit crisper than the ps2 version as well. The game may be a bit too short for some experienced players, though is does have a decent amount of interesting levels to explore, but it still offers fun to be had. As you play through the levels you'll also come across spots where you can compete in and unlock clasic and newer, more interesting, Pac Man mazes which I also enjoyed.
An improvemnt in this game from the first is now you can also perform new activites I enjoyed, such as the ice skating and the rollerblading down hills while trying to collected the pac dots and fruits which provides some simple fun.
Now, on to the Pac Man vs disc, sure to be a collecable classic, especially for all us Pac Man fan! After playing Pac Man for years, and trying oh so hard not to get tackled by those pesky ghosts, now you can turn the tables on your friends in this multiplayer and go after the little yellow hero for a change. You are able to connec your Gameboy Advance through the gamebube/gameboy advance linker cable and play as Pac Man, while up to 3 of your friends use the gc controllers to control the ghosts themselves and hunt you down as you compete against them in a race for points while trying to make it through your selected mazes. I really enjoy playing this with my friends as it's a lot of fun to be Pac Man and to chase him as a ghosty.
If you want some simple, classic, instant fun I'd suddest giving this one a try wether you're looking for multiplayer action or single player adventure, Pac Man has a good grasp with this game!