This game brings back great childhood memories for me. Nostalgia overload anyone? Pac-Man World 2 is without a doubt one of the best platformers I've ever had the pleasure of playing. The story in the game is simple and obvious but that's to be expected considering it's a Pac-Man game. The controls are easy to grasp and not too difficult which is good. They're fluid and never mess up. There are 6 worlds to explore, each world having a few stages and a boss fight. You can do many things in this game. Ice skate, roller skate, swim, the works! A great way to mix things up Namco! If you ever get tired of exploring, you can go back to Pac-Village and visit the arcade where you can play old Pac-Man arcade games such as the original Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Mania, etc. A nice feature to have indeed if you want a taste of old school Pac-Man. The music score is amazing. It's absolutely wonderful. Some of the tracks may even scare you. But there are two reasons why I only gave this game an 8. The camera which is terrible and may even be the cause of a few deaths here and there and this game is home to one of the hardest boss fights I've ever fought. The final boss is much easier than that fight I'll just say that. Other than that, Pac-Man World 2 is a good game to play for both kids and adults. Definitely buy it.
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