Innovative, but a mixed bag. Definitely not for everyone.

User Rating: 6.8 | Pac-Pix DS
I thoroughly enjoyed this game, although I managed to fly through it in what seemed a rapid amount of time.

In reading some of the other user reviews here, and even the main review, I have to agree with most of them and even a part of me agrees with the not-so-positive reviews.

I found the game to be engaging and a great deal of fun - the ability to draw your own Pac Man and send him around the play field is an interesting concept, one that needs to be explored more IMHO in other genres in the ever-stagnant gaming world.

The graphics are well-suited to the task at hand, as you're playing the game inside a book [forget the storyline or plot; it's not worth any consideration] so the parchment-looking backgrounds and the water-colored characters look nice here.

The sounds and music are done well and also very Pac-appropriate, but the controls could have used some additional fine-tuning before being released upon the gaming public - most notably where the "arrows" or "bombs" are concerned. In drawing either of these devices, it's a crap-shoot on whether it will actually work when or how you expect it to. The arrows are one of the most-frustrating aspects in the game, as they seem to fly with a devil-may-care attitude, caring not so much about where you intended them to go. Also, in the tutorial that teaches you how to draw your weapons on-screen, the arrows don't always work when drawn in the manner prescribed [a triangle followed by a straight line down thru it]. I've found that a near-perfect circle in place of the triangle has a much better chance of becoming an arrow plus it's much easier and quicker to draw a circle than an acceptable triangle shape.

As most others have mentioned in their reviews, getting to a boss level [or reasonably close to a boss] and then losing all of your lives will put you back at the start of that level. GRRRR! Sorry, no redo's here. Tiresome, but again I was able to fly thru most of the levels rather quickly.

To me, this game has almost no replay value once you finish it, as if you've gotten this far, you have mastered the game and starting over would only serve to bore you unless you played the HARD mode instead. Yawn.

In all, a fun bit of entertainment with an interesting use of character control, [keep up these sorely-needed innovations, game makers!] but see if you can buy it used instead.