Pac-Pix is all about using the touch screen to draw pacman to eat the ghosts. Its all controlled with the touch screen which makes the game so good and fun. There are plenty of levels to keep you going and loads of ghost variations too. Once you have completed the lenghty game you get hard mode which is really diffucult. Theres even a small skecthbook to practice on which is fun. You can draw random pictures and some will animate. To keep you going back for more, Namco added cards to collect when you beat one the chapters. Bosses vary and are a good point in the game. But the best part is drawing Pacman, even if he looks a bit off shape he can still chomp those ghosts.
There are some horrors in which there is simply no escape. Thy name is Pac-Pix for the DS. It's a game which the true horror lies in the fact in you actually might've spent money or, heaven forbid, TIME on this monstrosi... Read Full Review
Pac Man has infestedso many games, ate so many ghosts, and has been made a classic of video games that it's ironic and actually interesting that Namco would have a design such as Pac Pix. In Pac Pix you draw Pac Man,... Read Full Review