To the "person" responsible at the UK publishers: YOU'RE FIRED!

User Rating: 2.2 | Pacific Storm: Allies PC
So Mr. publisher… you’re the "person" responsible who took it upon yourself personally to decide that the VERY DAY BEFORE the game's UK release – that the copy-protection routine should be totally changed to something else? Yes, I bet you thought that would get you that promotion… that set of gold-plated Carlos Fandango System 3000(tm) golf clubs in the window you’ve been drooling over for ages. No one would ever suspect such a cunning plan as yours… thinking, “AT LAST!!! Such a masterful clever scheme to thwart the evils of piracy to make MEEEE the LORD and MASTER of the great unwashed! A short drop and a sudden stop for those pirate scum terrorists! String ‘em up! No wait! String EVERYBODY up! MUAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! HEH HEH! GIBBER! GIBBER! MEH! MEH!”

Errr… no.

You see… unsurprisingly, when you tampered with the code willy-nilly at the last minute, this consequently BROKE the game rendering it unplayable. Hole in one!

Yup, there you were in your office that day with your feet on your desk as usual... and the knock on the door came with a package arriving saying OK PASSED on it. Yes, here was the finished code from the developers, testers and Q.A. after painstaking months of testing... FINALLY passing it as "ok"... so what did you do? You CHANGED it into your own personal "UK Starforce/No Starforce/Who knows what force messed-up version" and immediately released it with NO further testing and cashed in for your set of golf clubs. Well I hope you had fun breaking in your new “irons”…

Ok so what’s broken in this game? Well, several things. The main explosion and splashes effects are now missing and even some sound effects are gone… but who knows what else is broken in the strategic campaign? The point is that this could take weeks to fix and test now. Before you messed with it the game WORKED (for example, the missing effects ARE present in the demo version, which luckily you never touched).

It amazes me to think that such a jobsworth actually had it in your mind to treat UK gamers so disrespectfully. We pay ALOT of money for our games (AND your wages). Indeed, you (sorry, "your lordship") were apparently so concerned about your game being pirated - that guess what - now NO ONE can play it! Well done, son. In the space of a few hours, you just broke a game I have been waiting and looking forward to for months and months. All because you don’t trust me to be responsible for my own actions, all because you have decided to treat all your customers like criminals, and all because YOU have taken it upon yourself as arbiter and enforcer of the “security” of the game I paid you for. But why stop there? Maybe next time you should devise a scheme where every time I want to play one of your games I am forced to come over to your house/mansion/castle/hollowed-out-volcano to get a special code to unlock it from you first? But why are you looking at me like that in your leather studded gimp-suit when your butler unlocks the door? Oh I get it... you have a "thing" for locks, chains, handcuffs and such don't you. Well thanks, but I'm not into your games. Or your publishers now, thanks to you.

Alan Sugar awaits you in the board room and he doesn't look too pleased…

For the rest of you reading this, well it's just a shame. This game had the potential to be an all-time classic. One of the greats. Maybe one day if it's ever fixed it might be, who knows. Only time will tell.