Good game... But not worth it.
Graphics are very good. It has good ship models, etc.
Sound is one of the worst in this game. The transmissions are kinda random and somewhat muffled, so I think it only adds to the trouble you're gonna get later...
Gameplay is awesome. You have lots of things to do, and you never run out of anything.
Stability... Well don't even think about it. There are countless bugs in this game, including saving, exiting, or even just doing nothing can kick you back to the desktop! I've never seen a game with this many bugs... And so frustrating!
The only reason I gave this a 7 despite these comments are that I'm one of the people that somehow don't have much bugs... Although many others do. DON'T buy this game. If you're gonna buy it, buy Pacific Storm: Allies. It would probably not be smart to buy this game at all... Because low stability, and the fact that a sequel has come out.