Most fun I have had hurting people without being arrested!
Admittedly it is a goofy game and does not require much skill but it is a whole lot of fun and a great way to kill time and relax after a hard day of breaking the law in Grand Theft Auto or being a Rock God playing Guitar Hero.
I have 10-20 of my favorite CD's loaded into my PS3 and have created separate play lists that suit my mood. I have Metallica, Slayer, Black Flag, Judas Priest, Motorhead and other Heavy Metal albums for serious PAIN and Aerosmith, UFO, Nirvana, Bad Company and other rockers for mild pain. I also have a Led Zeppelin only play list for those times I want to create PAIN but I want to mellow out a bit.
The gameplay itself is simple; load your charecter into a human sized sling shot, pull it back, aim and FIRE! You can manipulate the charector in flight using certain buttons and can make him grab ontgo items and move around on the ground when he lands as well.
The game has a tutorial to get you started and within 10 minutes you are off and creating PAIN! I had my friends 8 year old daughter over and she hit a million points in one launch after playing for 15 minutes or so!
I do have complaints with the game. One is I wish the charecter showed damage. Everything else in the world of Pain has damage model except the charecter. I don't need to see them lose a limb or anything serious but a scrape, a bloody nose or some kind bruising seems approriate.
All and all the game Pain is well worth the price but they should not be charging for the extra charecters and stages, they should have been unlockeables like every other game. This seems pretty greedy especially since you need these $.99 charectors to unlock certain trophies.
The charging for extra charectors and extra stages as well as the lack of a damage model for the charecters lowered my score from a 10 to an 8.