Though there isn't a lot to PAIN, anyone who has a great sense of humor will fall in love with this simple action game.

User Rating: 9 | PAIN PS3
PAIN is no doubt one of PSStore's best bargains. There is only one overall thing to do, wreck havoc! There are a few other modes like Spank the Monkey that have you doing certain things instead of destroying everything in sight, like hitting monkeys. But its all up to what you want to do. Though there is only one level to do, you can still enjoy yourself with the ever present humor. Sometimes things can get awkward though, like when you go in an area the camera can't reach. Or when you can sometimes blend with objects, but those things almost never happen. Don't believe the bad reviews on this game. Sure there's not much there, but im postive they will be getting add-on content soon (just look in the game, some billboards say so) . If you love humor, action, and seeing a man being thrown around destroying almost everything and terrorizing inncoent people, mimes, and cows, you would no doubt love PAIN.