It may not be the "Game Of The Year," But Painkiller sure does deliver for most FPS fans!
The game's story is fairly vague. You play as Mr. Gardener, you and your girlfriend go for a drive on a stormy night. During this drive, you have a car accident, which kills you and your wife. Your wife goes to heaven, but you have to fight for your ticket to heaven.
Gameplay: Very exciting, ragdoll and physics are superb and really add an intensity to the game. Fairly long game, and can become very difficult at some points, and frustrating. Controls are simple, and you don't even have to reload your weapons!
Graphics: Nothing really to write home about, but the enemies do looks pretty good, and most environments are good looking. Sound: Average sound, the enemies usually repeat the same roar or grunt about every ten seconds, which can become tiresome. The weapon sound effects are pretty standard. Value: Painkiller isn't exactly worth 50 bucks, unlest you are a die-hard fan, but it's worth at least 25 - 30 dollars.
Overall, an entertaining game, replay value isn't great, unless you have XBox Live, but Painkiller delivers exciting, terrifying, and very interesting game play and is worth any FPs fan's money!