Absolute Rubbish
Painkiller Resurrection is one title that you must cross off your list. Don't waste money on this rubbish. Download it for free if you are a Painkiller fan. When Dream catcher released Overdose this was a step in the wrong direction. The story in Dream catcher is stupid. Half good half evil? No good and evil don't mix. Also the plot was thin and to finish the game was unrewarding. Anyway now comes the latest installment Painkiller Resurrection. First of all this is a mod and JoWood had the audacity to release this piece of garbage on the unsuspecting public. First of all it is not finished. Secondly the plot if rubbish. Thirdly please follow what the true form of Painkiller is. Finish a room of enemies and move on to the next goal. Here the compass is broken or retarded or both as it is very easy to get lost in this game. I came to a point in the game where I reached a checkpoint and then I was stranded with no where to go. It seems that the load times have increased with the release of Painkiller sequels. The load time of Resurrection feels like an eternity when compared to the fist Painkiller game and it uses the same engine. This game should be free for download and fixed so that people actually can enjoy the game. Further Dream catcher needs to come up with a Painkiller sequel that has a good storyline, is bug free and is rewarding to finish. The original Painkiller and Battle our of Hell set the benchmark. Can it be bettered or equaled? Not likely, in my opinion the true sequel to the Painkiller series after Battle out of Hell should have been called Evel Woman where Daniel hunts down Eve after she became possessed with evil in order to send her to hell permanently or to save her soul from evil.