Painfully killed the series.

User Rating: 3 | Painkiller: Resurrection PC
I have played all Painkiller games and also the horrible ripoff Dreamkiller. And i dare to say, Resurrection is the worst of them. It killed the series. No originality in this one, there are almost no new enemies and even then they managed to f*** up the textures!

Painkiller has been on life support since Overdose but i didn't expect a painful death like this one. No, this is worse than dying of AIDS.

Graphics are so bad. Worse than Dreamkiller. Not kidding. No updates since the original except for better water textures, some lighting and shadows. Also, very few original enemies and still managed to get the textures wrong.

Sound is repetitive. I hate the guy constantly ranting "don't ever rise again". Cursing the game perhaps? Also, there is this strange "guide" who gives out instructions so cryptic you will never figure out where to go next.

The story is meh. Some assassin blew himself up and found himself in Purgatory.

Horrible level design. Too much (EXPLODING) enemies to fight in a crammed space full of debris. Gameplay is flawed, you can bunny-hop up and sometimes over walls. You can skip a quarter of a level like this. There was this situation where there was a wall with a huge pentagram on it. I heard crumbling so i waited it to collapse for 5 minutes. Then i said "f--- it" and bunny-hopped over it. Yeah. The compass won't show you the way half of the time. This game deserves to be downloadable content at best, a mediocre MOD. A mediocre mod in retail equals horrible game. Don't waste your money. Get PK, BOOH and Overdose and enjoy these.