Painkiller brings you back to the good ol' days of FPS games, and makes so in a very flashy, impressive way.

User Rating: 9.1 | Painkiller PC
Painkiller is an obvious nod to games like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D. It won't emburden your gaming experience with things like reloading guns, getting into prone position or weird stealth technology. Painkiller's pace is fast, crude and mainly a lot of fun.

Your silent character, Daniel Garner, must advance through eerie and dangerous landscapes filled with strange monsters from hell. To acomplish this mission he will have the help of 5 surreal weapons, which will allow you to electrify, gun down or chop to bits your enemies.

Gameplay - 9
This is where Painkiller really shines. The gameplay consists of blasting away, impaling and chopping all the hordes from. Pure run and gun. Sonds fun? It sure is. Weapons are unique and seem powerful. You will be glued to the screen as you try to dispatch a squad of 20+ enemies chasing you. When you finally make it, you will feel that you have surpassed some kind of epic challenge.

Graphics - 9
The levels are really well designed and are very original. You will visit opera houses, sanitariums and frozen battlefields, but there is a coherence which surrounds the vast range of scenarios - it's like the nightmare of a madman.The physics engine is amazing - you can't help but smile when you see a small army of nazi undead soldiers being blown away by one of your rockets. Enemies fall, things explode. Enemies explode. You have to see it to believe it. Although there can be a quite large number of enemies in screen at once the game won't lag for a bit.

Sound - 7
Monsters groan, barrels explode convincingly and your weapons sound cool. Everything seems to be just right. There was nothing that made me jump off my seat screaming in agony, though.

Fun- 10
From the masses of monsters to the massive bosses, you will enjoy this game like you haven't done in a long while. Enemies interact with each other amusingly: I have seen two of them fight to death because one punched the other accidently. Sometimes you will freeze a guy with your weapon and a lost bullet from an enemy will make him explode into bits. Heck, how fun can it be to impale a demented zombie who ignores the laws of gravity... to the very ceiling? Who can resist to take down a huge, flying demon, only to see in astonishment how he impacts against the floor taking you to the previous floor? How can you not like to tear apart dozens of medieval knights with your Painkiller weapon, which compares to a blender on steroids?

All in all, do yourself a favor and run to buy this game. You will most likely remember why you came to enjoy video games in the first place.