Painkiller is a plain and simple masterpiece, and the last of a seemingly dying breed of just plain fun FPS.

User Rating: 9.5 | Painkiller PC
It's 2004 and Painkiller is out bringing back the good'ol first person shooter system that came from Doom, Duke Nukem and Quake. The whole idea is minimum storyline: you're in Hell when you should be in Heaven because angels have sent you there to kick some devil ass. That's basically all you need for a back story? Doom and Duke Nukem had about the same amount.

The important part of this game is shooting demons with awesome weapons, including the ever so fun painkiller. Simple weapon, it's like a giant fan rotating blade you mow down demons with.

Then there the super fun stake-gun! It's just a gun that shoots stakes. It's an awesome physix based gun. You actually get to pin demons on walls. Nothing more fun.

The ninja star/shuriken gun is brilliant fun as well. That's what this game is: awesome fun and shooting enemies with creative guns! What more do you need? Really, what more do you need? Realism? A story? Pff, those are overrated!