A review said "better than Hot Shots Golf" and I though nah can't but....well read on but I'm convinced!
Gameplay: Simple 3 click process that many golf games use, interesting characters with "stories" to tell, beautifully designed courses and hundreds of items (clothing, powerups, accessories and equipment) to save you pang (money) up for!
The story mode is the main career mode that unlocks the characters for play in the other modes. Each character has to play through several "rounds" of golf - ranging from 3 hole match play to a 9 hole tournament in order to complete their story. Completing a story makes the next character available in story mode and release the current character to the other modes. Once all chapter 1 stories are complete move on to chapter 2 (I haven't got that far yet!)
Then there is a whole mode dedicated to tournaments - to unlock a course for tournament play you to to first acquire a license. This is done by undertaking missions, for example earning an amount of pang within 3 holes, scoring -1 across 3 holes, getting a hole-in-1 with 10 tries etc. Each completed mission gives you experience points that, as well as increasing your playing level, works towards unlocking the tournament. Plenty of missions to choose from and not all are required to unlock the tournament but obviously you can try and complete them all anyway. Once the license is acquired the "level 1" tournaments are unlocked. Complete these to get to the level 2 etc. Each tournament win gives you some pang and some of the aforementioned collectables.
You can also play a free round on any course of your choosing.
You can play local multiplayer but there is no on-line play which is the only thing stopping this getting a 10 from me however there is such a lot to unlock and comlete that to be honest I wouldn't be ready for on-line play yet anyway!
Very addictive and with short missions and full 1 hole tournaments it is ideal for a quick 10 mins or a lengthy train journey!
Hope you read to the end and let me know if it was helpful or not......until my next review - farewell for now!