Panzer General Fans will be amazed!

User Rating: 8.5 | Panzer Corps PC
Panzer corps (abbr: PzC) is a long awaited gem among the Panzer general fans. The re-make of the old legend has flaws as well as qualities.

I will not describe the game as all PG fans know it. But i have to mention that its more like PG1 rather than PG2. it has lots of aspects from the all Panzer series where it supersedes PG and sometimes it does fall behind.

PzC PROS compared to PG:
+ Superior graphics
+ Superior Sound effects
+ Air units have to refuel now
+ Way Smarter AI, much much better than all PG series.
+ Battle Odds are explained in a detailed screen with a hotkey if desired.
+ Strategic Bombers are available which allows long-time supression.
+ Infantry more powerful now
+ No more casualty-free engagements now. (You often have casualties)
+ Suppression is displayed in the right screen (Like PG3)
+ AT guns are less effective against Infantry
+ 88's are more effective to armor
+ Time is not on a tight schedule. There is usually sufficient time for supplies and reinforcement.
+ Towed units has the ability to move 1 hex and fire without embarking. (unlike PG)
+ AA units has switch ability which allows them to fire on ground targets as well (but they dont react on air targets this way)
+ Balanced Upgrade dynamics which offers economical upgrades within the same family of units (PzIII upgrades to another ver. PzIII not PzIV)
+ Awarded units does not count towards pop-cap.

PzC CONS compared to PG:
- No more OverRun ability for Armor.
- No more unit strengths replenished free at the end of scenario.
- Ju87 Stuka and other Tactical Bombers are less powerful now,
- Tactical bombers does not suppress enemy units anymore.
- Tanks are less powerful now
- Different initiative dynamics (Wiped out units can fire back just like axis& allies board game)
- Different Suppression Dynamics (Suppression is dispelled if attacked - does not last till the end of the turn)
- Leaders are not chosen (like PG3) but assigned according to success.
- No more instant/ultra entrenchment ability for AT guns.
- Towed artillery has the same range with Self-propelled artillery.
- No Africa scenario in the long campaign.
- Less scenarios in the campaign mode.
- Decisive victory is awarded with an experienced unit not a prototype unit!