Decent WWII tactical game a la Avalon Hill (Mac version)

User Rating: 7.2 | Panzer General MAC
Works for board gamers:
If you like the old school hexagon terrain, dice rolling, hit counting board games along the lines of Panzer Blitz and Eastern Front, you'd probably have a good time with this for a few evenings at least. While it's not near as complex as its table-top forerunners, it's still captures the feel of them.

Works for computer gamers:
If you're not into all the tracking of hits for each unit or calculating range, terrain, accuracy etc., but still want a good turn-based, fairly historically accurate challenge that a board game offers, then you'll like Panzer General because the computer does all the paper work for you.

Not so hot on the audio:
I don't think that the sounds were incorporated properly. As board games don't have sound (except the ones we make while playing them), I think the developers didn't exactly know what to put where and/or what to just plain leave out. The music's a little hokey and the explosions sound like someone's making them with their mouth (go ahead, try it, "shpegheew!!"), but it's hardly an annoyance and doesn't distract from the game play.

Panzer General is a good, solid little time killer for folks into casual, tactical WWII battlefield games.