Great Visuals, Great Music, Great Gameplay, Great Characters, Great Game.

User Rating: 9.6 | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door GC
Noone is known more for their creativity and originality than Nintendo, and they prove it with Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I stayed up almost 3 days straight playing non-stop. The graphics and color are amazing, and the environments are brilliant. Every level is different from the last one and each is unique and enthralling on its own. This game will go down in gaming history as a benchmark in character development. While playing this game, I could imagine what each character was thinking and how they sounded. One can even feel sorry for certain characters or be angry at others. The game is also very funny, with corny humor for the younger players and sarcasm and wit for the older ones. The main storyline is challenging, and the game is loaded with side quests that will keep you playing even after you've beaten the main game. The turn-based combat is alot more fun than one might expect. Audience members might throw something at you and there are tons of special moves and items you can use. Every battle is unique and challenging in its own way. PM2 also has amazing replay value, which is refreshing since this is the one thing that most modern games lack. Great game and sure to be considered a classic in the future.