this game was my 4th game cube game i suggest people get this game if there an rpg beggenirs

User Rating: 9 | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door GC
this games is very long and also fun to play with if u try this game u will love iti it difficulty is medium youll get used to play it it tookm e more then 100 hours to win it its long but fun youll get addicted to it to lol the game also got in the top 10 list of gamecube games i really suggest that u play it if u ever need help in it u can always ask me since i won it yesteray its my favriote game i gave it a 9.0 the nintendo one is almost the same but the wii one i sugesst u dont get it because i got it but its not as good as te game cube version as soon as you play this game and finish it ill bet that youll put a 8 or 9 as the rating.