The most brilliant game ever -- utterly perfect.
The music in the game is vivid and wonderful, with brilliant overworld and boss fight themes. As with any platformer/RPG, the boss music themes are always the best. Two boss themes worth noting are the Smorg boss battle, and the final boss.
The gameplay advances from the original Paper Mario for N64, while still having the same enjoyable turn based combat system. One main difference involves an 'audience' actively participating in the battles, with random audience events happening, such as audience members throwing Mario something, such as a mushroom or a hammer. The combat system also relies on 'Star Power', required to activate a special move acquired from a specific crystal star. The star power gauge raises according to how much the audience enjoyed the particular battle move, which is partly to do with stylish moves.
Overall, this game is revolutionary and the best so far of the Paper Mario series. A must get for all Gamecube owners.
Graphics: 9.5/10
Music: 10/10
Sound: 9/10
Story: 10/10
Replay Value: 8/10