Paperboy has an interesting concept and executes it will to make an overall enjoyable experience.
Probably what made Paperboy so weird was of how random it was. If you threw papers wrong or innacurately or even if you threw them right sometimes people would run out of there house, etc. There are just random people all over. You'll see a mummy, a guy on a skateboard, a juggler, a woman running at you with a frying pan, etc.
You just traveled along through the level on your bike and delivered papers while avoiding obstacles. The graphics in Paperboy were just a little bit above average for the NES. I can't really describe them now but they never were too great. They were just good. The main theme is very good but the game just sounds like any other NES game.
Paperboy was a pretty addictive game for me. I played it frequently back when I still had the game and I found it to be an overall fun game. Not the best for NES but it deserves some recognization.