A severely short game that had a lot of potential to be cool.
To make the songs you hit the face buttons in time with the songs but you can freestlye and just hit them in time with the beat which could be cool but most of the time you presses don't have to have a beat and you pass. the game is harder at to lose than to pass. You don't even have to hit the right button. The game is also severly handicapped because of the length of it, it's only about thirty minutes long. Every time before songs you have a practice round which gets annoying after the first time sonce the game is so easy but they're skippable so no complaints here.
The graphics of the game are stylizied so if you like the stlye of cardboard cut-outs you'll love it but if you want something that pushes a system don't look here. This game was probably possible on the PS1 for Pete's sake! Then again you wont be paying attention to the grpahics when the songs get going and grphics aren't a big part of rhythm games anyway, the music and songs is where it's at.
PaRappa delivers on the song quality just not the quanitity. The songs are again chilidish but they are hilarious! They almost every time rhyme which would take time to do that and have them make sense. There are only eight songs though which adds up to about thirty minutes of total play time. The game is completely voiced and it is done fairly well. There is an option to change the language to Jpapnese but it doesn't change the songs which is weird.
I know it seemed liked I ripped on this game and I did but there is still a fun experience to be had here and it is worth trying just for some kicks.