Squaresoft's cinematic masterpiece.
The story focuses on Aya Brea, a rookie cop from New York, is in at a opera at Carnegie Hall. At the middle of the opera, the lead character on the stage began to sing solo. Suddenly those who where in the backstage and watching started to burst into flames. But Aya is not affected, so she stands from her seat and runs toward the stage to confront the mysterious singer. At the stage, the singer reveals her name as Eve. She tells Aya on how to control her mitochondria (parasite energy) and how she could awaken her power. A series of catastrophic events start to happend after that incident at Carnegie Hall.
Parasite Eve's gameplay is really unique and innovative. You can manually move Aya on enemies so you can avaoid them. When fighting enemies, you can use various types of weapons from pistols to shotguns to rifles. Of course you also have your parasite energy. This gives you support in battles making you to cast magical powers at your enemies. They are like magic points (MP) at Final Fantasy games and you also have to learn various parasite energy skills. The random battles can be annoying sometimes. They can re spawn after you defeated them and their attacks are on different variety of patters.
The graphics are somehow good. Since this is a Playstation game, you could expect polygonal characters. But that doesnt matter really, the graphics is very detailed as it compared to Final Fantasy 7. The cinematic fmv's are really amazing and that gives life to the game and story.The sound of the game is the biggest advantage. It contributes real emotions and atmosphere. It is perfectly performed and the songs are well written.
In the end Parasite Eve is really a cinematic masterpiece. The graphics may have its flaw sometimes but who cares if you got an excellent gameplay and story. I will recomend this to everyone especially to those rpg fanatics.