Disappointing. Don't let the gamespot review mislead you though, it can be fun to shoot some of the weapons.
-it cost me $5
The cons: there are quite a few: 1st of all there is no way to get out of cutscenes that I know of, no manual save - only autosave points/waypoint saves. all of which means sometimes the game likes to kill you a lot right after a cutscene and prior to reaching a save point...so guess what? You get to watch the cutscene over and over and over. ugh.
-it is very scripted, for example this boss will do the same thing 4 times before you can kill him, etc. Really annoying boss battles.
The game is stupidly linear and sometimes you will be outside and have this amazing forest or environment all around, yet you cannot go anywhere except down the path to the next scripted area. The game won't even allow you to step a few feet off the path
-graphics settings: some of this will crash your game hard, be careful messing with these. -online community is nonexistent, there were 4-6 people online both nights I logged on, 8pm cst.