Pariah is yet another FPS in the ever-growing and extremely crowded genre for the Xbox, that was made by the creators of the Unreal franchise. Now, a game that's being developed by the people that brought you magnificent games like the Unreal series, you would think that Pariah would stand out of the FPS genre as an outstanding game, right? Well, not exactly. Although Pariah has it's intense and exciting moments, they sometimes often relate to complete frustration. The gameplay is like your standard FPS: You blow up stuff, kill alot of guys, drive alot of really cool vehicles(sometimes) and save the world(again, sometimes). What makes Pariah so special, is that not only does it focus on the action, but it focuses on what MAKES the action, namely, the guns. The guns are actually pretty fun to use, and the fact that you can upgrade them to make them stronger, only increases that amount. Health is also another great thing about Pariah. You have these health boxes that are actually very similar to The Chronicles Of Riddick, and has a little bit of Halo in it as well. For instance: If you get damaged a little bit, your health slowly recharges back to normal, and if your about to die, you can use an injector that replenishes some of your health. As if you couldn't tell, that is a really neat addition, but it also makes the game feel too easy. Now you may ask, "Well, what's so frustrating about it?". Well, what is so frustrating about Pariah, is that some parts of the game are reduced to a trial-and-error sort of thing. Such an example is the vehicles. They look pretty awesome, and they should be easy to control right? Wrong. The vehicles controls are very jerky and sloppy, and you'll usually run into stuff, while getting blown up, alot. Another frustrating aspect of Pariah is that the AI is kinda dumb at times. All they do is stand in one spot pelting you wth bullets, rush you while shooting when your behind cover, or they just stand there. You may think it will not be that frustrating when you play it, but believe me, it will. The graphics are actually suprisingly good. The environments look lush and very beautiful, the character designs are also very well done, and the vehicles and guns look spectacular, and powerful as well. But the worst part about it, is the stuttering framerate that appears in some levels most of the time, which is also one of the most frustrating parts of Pariah. The sound is okay, but it could've been alot better, especially the voice acting. It sounds pretty dull and stupid at times, not to mention that everybody cusses most of the time too. The guns however, sound great. It gives you the great feeling that your mowing down enemies with a highly destructive assault rifle and not a water pistol. Overall, if FPS fans can get over some of the frustrating parts of Pariah, they might very well like what it has in store for them, but they and everyone else should consider it a rental first.
Thanks to another GS bad (and, at least for me, incomprehensible and biased) review also, Pariah suffers from a nasty reputation: every single game has its own features, so first of all it’s pointless and unfair making c... Read Full Review
Pariah is a standard fps with no outstanding qualities, although is does have its own high points. Take for example the multi-player mode. It has the basic modes like deathmatch and team death match but it also throws in... Read Full Review