Very interesting game we have here..

User Rating: 10 | Pariah XBOX
The first time I played this game. I really didn't enjoy it. The other day, I tried it again, and now I really like it. I must agree with Killalot on this. This game is the Killzone of the Xbox. Why is does it deserve the title? Simple. Like Killzone, it got a bad review. Yet, on Killzone, there are A LOT of people that play. Although the game might be a bit buggy at times, people still love it. That also with Pariah as well. It got a bad review, and yet there are A LOT of people that play it online. Now, onto the review. Gameplay - At first, the gameplay will take some getting use too. Once you get it, it's a whole lot of fun. The online play is fun as well, with the whole Upgrading your guns, to preform better. It can be a real intense match when your with a lot of people, and you all have your guns maxed out. Lots of fun. Graphics - This game is beautiful. There maybe some bland looking type of textures, but there isn't many. The background, the lighting everything shines in this game. At first look, I was shocked with the graphics. I really do love the graphics. The shining off of your gun just makes you cover your eyes, almost as if you were holding it yourself. Sound - The sound is very great, single player and multiplayer. The music can set the tone at times, but then there are the times when the music stops. Leaving only the sound of your sniper rifle ripping though the air. Making the loudest noise. It's oh so sadisfying when it's compleate silence. Plus, if you listen closely. You can hear your enemy sneaking up on you.. Tilt - The multiplayer keeps this game alive, and when you want to take a break. Go on to the single player. Thats till much fun. When you go online, you will find a lot of people playing. Which is a great thing. There is also a custom map editor. Giving players the ability to create maps, and publish them on Xbox Live for downloading. I've seen many custom maps. Some of them are just amazing. I saw a D-Day map (The assult on Normandy Beach, which started WWII for people that don't know) and I was really impressed. Very impressed. With that editor, and the multiplayer, downloadable content from the creators. This game deffinatly has much to offer. Some people may not enjoy it, but others will become attached to this game. If you are not sure about this, rent it first. If you like it, go out and buy it. Maybe you might see me on there, because so far. This game is turning out to be one of my all time favorites.