Pariah is a step towards mapmaking multiplayer games on Xbox such as TimeSplitters 3, and Farcry 2. Peroid.

User Rating: 5.9 | Pariah XBOX
Wow. This is a short game. It can be completed in a mere four hours in co-op, and probabally the same in single player. The guns might have been cool, but I don't reall know because I was busy upgrading my Gernade Launcher and killing people with it. ( It is THE best Gernade launcher I've ever used in a game.) Mapmaking allows for decent maps to play, but for online mostly. (Offline only has two players) But I must say, it kept me occupied before I traded it in after a mere five days. FarCry 2 took this engine a bit farther and has good gameplay, a map editor, AND four player splitscreen. BUY FARCRY 2!
