A really good game, that leaves some FPSs stuck in the mud!!!
There is something about Pariah that just seems to make you play it...whether its the industrial environment withini greenland, with hugh girders and buildings...or the fact that you can wield sufficient (if not awe-inspiring) weaponary....
The plot is somewhat iffy, in that I have not been able to follow it propely (mainly becauise I was glued to screen so much during gameplay) but all I have gathered is that theres this job-dreary doc, who is either on call, or off home to his teatime, and his transport vehicle crashes somehow, into a valley of unknown contents.....apparently a prison of some sort!!!! But thers also someone alongside him, namely (a patient?) called Karina...no not Karina Kapoor....just Karina.....
So, to get out of this hell hole they have to devise numerous plans to evade the gun-toting goofballs roaming the realms....and some are so goofy in their speeches, that you think 'hey man, stop repeating yourself with those silly words!!!!' Hopefully, a splash of bullets should put them in their proper place...which should be six feet under.....
talking about six feet under, once an ememy is down, he simple fades away...into the ground mosty of the time...hmmm....i wonder if they are simply one of those human-like spooks from the Nosgothic realms (see the legacy of Kain series!!!)
Also...check out the arty front cover of the box and game manual...the hero of the game seems so awkwardly-faced, that you think 'what in the world?'...maybe his facial features are mushed up due to his hardcore comittment to work....but, thanks to games beautiful graphics, he looks far more than a pretty face during the cut scenes!!!!!
Overall, the graphics and gameplay combined make this a truelly engaging game to play....true, there are not many weapons on hand to create a fireworks display, but what you have is sufficient enough....reminding you of those Perfect Dark (N64) days, with a bit of Quake/Project Snowblind thrown in for good measure!!! The voice acting is somewhat ok....and the lips actually work somewhat in sync with the characters....the first few stages are a feast for the eyes, and I assume the forthcoming ones are good too...though they may a bit more challenging, as per norm.....
This is a good game, and if you havent already played it, its worth a try, espcially for those who are PC FPS fans. Just dont spend too much time looking at the front cover or manual cover....!!!