This is a great game.
This is an excellent pick up and go game, with little or no background required to play it.
The game starts with the patapons landing on the shores of an unknown land in a broken down, almost sinking ship. I havent played the first patapon, and i got the story right off the bat, so theres really no backstory to it that the game doesnt explain.
One of the better parts about this game is the fact that you can customize jsut about ev erything there is to do with your patapon. he looks much different with a fire helm on than we would wearing, say, a ice helm.
Another this is how the weapons look. they look really cool, with some of them even being spoofs, such as the Excalipon, a greatsword.
The multiplayer is also very excellent in this game, enabaling you to play with up to three friends, or, if you want to only play with one or two friends, the other people will be replaced by AI.
They also properly award you for playing multiplayer, unlocking weapons that you can only get through extensive multiplayer usage. Also, as you go along, you get harder multiplayer bosses, and when you beat them, you unlock new and better AI, for use in multiplayer. Also, in multiplayer, you can unlock new masks for your hero patapon, which is very helpful in the regular storyline also.
The story is also a fairly long one, as i have invested over 40 hours and recently beaten the game. if you sat down and played it, all the way through, it would take you about 12 hours or more. it is actually a very long game. it's the kind of game that you cant really rush through, because alot of the time you will have to go back and beat a boss a second time because you need the items it gives you to level up your patapons.