patapom 3 is a mix between song dance and fighting u are one of three heros spear archer or sheil.d each have there ups and downs but once u reach level 15 u can choice any of the class u want. there is around 36 patapons to choic from i think there is twelve guys in each class. u are trying to save your princess and regain your kingdom buy battling bad patapons that are trying to destroy the race and the same old same old. the good things about this game the combat of the game is great u need good rithem to play the game u are trying to tap buttons to the music to make combos and to defeat them and get tp the end of the level there is 10 boss battles not inclueing the extra bosse.s u can kill once u have beat the normal ones there is over 80 levels to play with the leveling up system in the game is very good the more u level up the more u can gain abillitys for each class. the game on multiplayre u can play with four other people across the world as ong as u have internet,witch comes in handy from time to time to level and the game can get very hard so some level u really do need the extra help. the only bad thing about this game is the very ending u get to choice from three things 1 free the princess. 2. start a new game as the evil guys muliplayer online only. 3. gain extra dugeon levels u play with. u can only choice one of these choice and then u need to play the hole game over again to find out the other endings perfect game i hope that there will beanother one it is a buy for me for sure. have fun witch this one guys its worth th emoney and the time to play
My first impression in this game was good, but then, the decline began. The cinematic intro was amazing, I never believed that Patapon's could look so good with those kind of graphics. There was no army, that had e... Read Full Review
Like the previous installments of Patapon, you play the game by pressing each face button on your PSP to command your army. Your army, which now consists of 3 rarepons and 1 uberhero, compared to the 20+ pata-army from p... Read Full Review