Tons a fun for anyone. Bought on GS recommendations, and was extremely entertained. Bought, will keep. Classic.
Fortunately for moi, I know a few drummers, so a majority of the Time, I had no trouble.
Essentially, you're God, or at least you are to the tribe of eyeball people that think you are. Customizing and upgrading is extremely fun, but not as fun as setting them lose against another army or one of the many giant monsters. Watching the arrows and spears fly never failed to amaze me.
The few complaints I would have, 1.)It didn't allow you to play through the battles with other tribes. Although, understandably, it would make the story a little weird. 2.)You could only take three types of fighters with you per battle. This being a 2-D environment, this aspect was limited, but forgivable.
The art style was unique and added to the addictive qualities of the overall presentation. As well as being fun to play, it's a great game to play when you have a few moments to kill, because there's always something you could do. However, once you begin a campaign, you won't exactly be able to pause for any reason because you would lose your rhythm, and that will easily turn the outcome of the conflict against you.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this game, greatly anticipate the sequel, and will have the songs stuck in my head for many years to come.