Patapon is a game that appears at first to be on the cutesy, art-deco side of the house when you first play it. After a few levels, however, you'll find this rhythm-based, real-time action game to be as compelling, innovating and fun as few others on the market today. It features a graphic style seen in games such as Exit but utilizes a rhythm-based button-pressing scheme to control the movements and fighting of your small Patapon army. While primarily an action game that revolves around a war between two opposing sides, it uniquely combines several musical-based commands to determine the extent, and ultimately, victories, of each small level or battle. It also features an soldier-creating and army building element similar to ones seen in several successful real-time strategy games such as Ages of Empires. Once you have built your armies using the elements and rewards you have gained, you can go to war against the Zigitons, the arch-enemy of the Patapons. When the battle begins, you must be able to maintain a 4-part rhythm-based command to a particular beat in order to make you Patapon army march, fight, and defend itself. If you enjoy RTS, action, or rhythm games, try Patapon. The rhythm-loving, fighting eye-balls will invade your head and have you saying "Pata-pata-pata-pon" long after the end.
in a world where violence in common place, few things make us feel good about it, however Patapon delivers it in such a way that war becomes an addictive song. The Game takes you with the tribe of Patapon, a eye ball ... Read Full Review
Patapon, mmm, how would you describe a game like Patapon? Ok let's have a shot! Patapon is a Rhythm based, RTS, Role-playing game that is very cute, unique, and has game play ideas by the buckets. It is nice to see a ga... Read Full Review