Does your psp deserve Patapon? read here to find out!

User Rating: 9.5 | Patapon PSP
Patapon is an amazing game, you should probably already know from all the hype. It's different than other games, and doesn't really fit in the genre of rhythm games. It contains rhythm, a bit RPG, tactics, adventure, etc.

The story is not the typical save the princess, it's very unique and doesn't really tell you what the Patapon's want. They want to journey to the end of Earth and find "it" yah keeps you guessing... The story has some minor unsuspected turns keeping the fun going, I give the story 10/10 because it sucks you in the moment you start playing.

controls are quite simple actually, you use the d-pad to scroll things like soldiers and your items. the L and R button is used to move around your map and tribe. When playing you'll soon get used to the attack, defend, forward commands, it's really just how precise you are. 9/10

The depth is really deep! (pun intended) you can collect weapons, shields, and items in your inventory. You can use these items to create normal and unique Patapons. After awhile in the game you'd have a colorful army of Patapons and wicked accessories! It really gives you a sense of accomplishment when looking at your army. 10/10

The game is just right, not to hard, not that easy, but there will be moments in the game when you will get frustrated in what to do. But fear not! those are just the exciting bumps throughout the game! 9/10

My Final Words:
Get the game! it's only 20 US dollars and its worth it! the game is very, very addicting. I should warn you that the game is impossible to play without music or constant distraction(looks at mom....-_- )