Immersive and authentically historic, uncompromised gameplay.

User Rating: 8.6 | Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse PC
Patrician III is not the third instrallment of the Patrician series, rather it is a 700mb standalone patch for Patrician II. The game is pretty much identical to its predecessor give or take a couple of bugs and some more nifty gadgets added to the gameplay.

If you're even a little bit interested in the idea of hanseatic seatrading, this game will completely do the trick for you. Although not as beautiful as the other seamerchant games it's definetly the most uncompromised experience. There are no shallow and boring rules or guidelines that would limit your experience in any way. It's just trading within the borders of the hanseatic league in its golden age. Patrician III doesn't stretch its limits to give the player some ultracool features or megauberradical gameplay and it doesn't have to. Come to think of it Patrician III is pretty much the same as Patrician II just because they didn't think anything needs to be changed and they were correct because a player of Patrician III doesn't look for stuff like that in a game.

Give this wonderful game a try. Just do it!