Not very impressive..

User Rating: 4 | Patriots: A Nation Under Fire PC
In todays world, where terrorists alerts are everywhere on TV and airports, maybe it was about time to see a game featuring a massive war against terrorists in first person shooter. Although single player story line featuring such thing could be very attractive, if you are thinking BF2 kind of game featuring US Marine Corps and terrorists instead of US and China, think again.

In fact, don't even think again. This game is so far away from such game, you will be very disappointed if you were expecting Patriots to be like BF2. After all, you are paying 20 bucks instead of 40 something.

From a consumer's point of view, however, the product should still be enjoyable no matter what the price is. This game has lost all its score on game play, graphics, even in sound. Maybe its story line can be the only thing that could be appreciated although it isn't impressive.

Graphic is so horrible, it doesn't look like this game was released in year 2007. This game looks even worse than counter strike. Nothing surprisingly spectacular, no impressive physics, there's just nothing to talk about. Let's just say, when you see fire, you'll recognize it, and when you see a guy with black masks, you'll recognize that should be one you need to kill.

I would give a little more score on sounds than graphics, despite the lame voice acting for everyone. Sound of explosion and gunfire is reasonably emulated, although they are certainly not like Company of Heroes sound. Their voice acting of soldiers and terrorists is so bad, you don't feel any suspense from their voices. Terrorists' accent, added on top of horrible voice acting, it just sounds hilarious. They tried to make it sounds like they are from somewhere in Middle East, but it's far from it. Very far.

Last of all, the game play. I reviewed quite a few games, I have never gave this low score on any game. Most of the missions are not only quite unrealistic, the game interface will certainly make you frustrated. One of the easiest thing to mention is that there is no auto reload. That means when your gun is out of bullet, it won't auto reload like many other first person shooters. If you are used to it, you'll get annoyed in many situations, as you would just walk into a battle looking for enemies forgetting the fact your gun is not reloaded. You must press 'R' to reload no matter how many bullets you have.
Another annoying thing is lack of bullet. For instance, when you pick up AK-47, you'll see your ammo racking up, but every pick up doesn't give you more than 15 bullets. Even if a person carrying the guy just died. Does that make sense? 15 bullets. After 15 fire, you are out. So if you are used to BF2 or CS, you will find yourself looking for ammo all the time as you will be carrying nine guns with no ammos.

Even with its price, this game is not recommended. I would like to recommend Counter Strike, which is available with way cheaper price than this one, even though Counter Strike does not provide story mode like Patriots: A Nation under fire. Not recommended at all, especially if you are hardcore first person shooter player.