Giants: Citizen Kabuto Movie 18
Kabuto becomes a parent in this clip, much to the dismay of the Meccs.
Kabuto becomes a parent in this clip, much to the dismay of the Meccs.
Browser-based game publisher hires 37 ex-staffers away from developer of Giants: Citizen Kabuto after studio's latest project suffers financial problems.
GameSpot News gets the details on this upcoming PC game online distribution service from managing director Adam Oldakowski.
Interplay offers a free bonus disc to those who preorder its upcoming action game.
We have the first playable demo for Interplay's unusual action game.
Further details have yet to be announced for the game, but it's more than likely that Digital Mayhem will fill the PS2 version of Giants with as many new modes ...
Interplay confirms previous reports by announcing that the critically acclaimed PC game Giants: Citizen Kabuto will be released on the PlayStation 2.
We play the PS2 port of Giants.
Interplay is bringing its PC hit, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, to the PlayStation 2 with a wealth of console-exclusive changes. Read our hands-on report of this first- and third- person shooter.
With the release of Giants for the PS2 only weeks away, Interplay releases new media from the game.
After toying with the release date for a few months, Interplay has shipped the PS2 version of Giants: Citizen Kabuto to stores.
Interplay announces that Giants: Citizen Kabuto for the PlayStation 2 is ready for production.
Planet Moon Studios is currently developing a new Giants game for the Microsoft Xbox.
GameSpot talks with the founder and former head of Interplay about his reasons for leaving the company and his plans for the future.
Interplay's unusual action game will soon arrive in stores.
Interplay announces that its unusual action game has gone gold, and releases new screenshots.
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