Way to easy and Beat it in 30 minutes
User Rating: 7 | Peggle Extreme PC
Ok so the game is Peggle Extreme, a free steam game that is used to promote Valves newest release The Orange Box. The game uses the same engine that the previous Peggle games uses and Combines that with 10 Half life 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal backgrouned levels. Each level gives the player a fair amount of orange pegs along with a few curveballs that inclue portals, figures ETC. and common sense gameplay. The game is dramatically short though but I cant complain cause it was a free game so.... The games biggest problem was due to the fact that it seemes to focus more on Advertising the ORANGE BOX then on gameplay. 2 reasons why. Reason 1-The game was way to short to be even released to be a game. Reason 2- The game features secert charcters but there is no way of unlocking them. I cannot argue that Peggle extreme was decent and It was good cause it was free but it needed work. Thanks Popcapp games for a half way decent game. I give it a 7.0