Kinda Strange

User Rating: 6.5 | Peggle Extreme PC
Peggle Extreme is a one of a kind game. It takes charcters and scenes from Valve's games and has the classic acrade game style and they even added a multiplayer. Peggle Extreme is made by a not to famous gameing industry called "POP CAP" which is sponsored by Valve. The gameplay isn't hard, the acarde style graphics ok, and the sound is kinda cheesy if you ask me. But hey,this game is free and it is available for download on Steam. The multiplayer is what grows on you beacuse I can't count on how many hours i spent on multiplayer. But over all i spent about 3 hours to beat the storyline and 5 hours on multplayer with my friends. Not a blockbuster hit but if you like free games,well, this is the game for you. THATS MY REVIEW FOR PEGGLE EXTREME. My rateing for this game is- 6.5 (FOR MORE INFO CONTACT ME)