addicting game. play it. Worth every penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny..... .penny..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... penny..... . penny.... . penny...... penny..... penny...... penny ..... penny...... penny..... penny...... penny..... hard to do 100 words..... hard to do 100 words..... hard to do 100 words.....hard to do 100 words..... hard to do 100 words..... hard to do 100 words..... hard to do 100 words.....hard to do 100 words.....hard to do 100 words..... why wont it go? why wont it go? why wont it go? why wont it go? why wont it go? why wont it go?
Picture this, if you will. You're minding your own business, staring at your own reflection in the head of the guy next to you in line, when, suddenly, you're shot into the air, and find yourself bouncing off bright... Read Full Review
After hearing a few good things about this game I decided to look into it. For $20 off Steam I downloaded this crazy looking casual game from PopCap and time flew by. The game is basically pachinko. You shoot a ball f... Read Full Review