Schon sehr schon. You can use only your mind in order to complet the game.
In my own opinion,Penumbra is the best title in order to define this game.
Scare and palpitanting.
Your limited options to fight,are challenging your brain to find other ways
of survival.
Put it in this way,Philip is not a Predator,Leon from "RE4",and so forth.
Here you must considerate that your opponents are to strong,and you are
they're perfect victim.So the only way is to use your brain in oder to see
how you get out from a mess.
My own advice is to hunt the dogs,spiders,rather than to be hunt.As a-
bout the worm,infected miners,try to be faster than they,or at least to whait
until you can get out.
The logical part of this game is to make connections between items and
the actions which you have to take(the battery can be use for generator's
lever,or computer,and so forth).