Jack of all trades, king of none.
The game does get repetitive. You have to score 1st place out of 4 in a series of events to progress to the next level, of which there are three. This can prove very difficult, and if you don't progress, you have to do the whole level again until you finish first. The biggest disappointment is that there is no character development. If you fail, you just try again, there is no honing and improving your character's skills. Also, the game case says there is a two-player mode, but I sure could NOT figure out how to get to that, I question if it even really exists.
The graphics are pretty good, i'd say they're about on par with XBox & PS2 graphics, very good for the Dreamcast. Sound is decent also. Overall, this is a good game to pop in every once in a while to play for a few minutes, to see if you can get through whatever level you're stuck in. But it's not a game most people will want to sit down and play for hours.