Despite being a little short, Perfect Dark is still fun if you're a fan of FPS games.
Next, I'll talk about the story. Pretty much, the game game starts off by looking for a piece of high AI that is very valuable. The good guys here are Carrington Institute and the Maians. The bad guys are Datadyne and Skedar. Datadyne keeps the AI known as Dr. Carrol that holds valuable information about Datadyne that proves very useful to the Carrington Institute. The Institute relies heavily on Joanna Dark, their top agent. While retrieving Dr. Carrol, Joanna soon finds herself entangled with a war being the Maians and the Skedar. Both are of alien races. Joanna also befriends a Maian who helps her.
There are also 3 difficulty modes for each mission. There is Agent, which is either considered Easy or Normal level for some players. Special agent is considered Normal for experienced players and Hard for beginners. Perfect agent is very hard for both experienced and starting players. Cheats can also be unlocked by beating a certain mission on a certain difficulty under a certain time limit. Some of them are DK mode, invincibility, and playing as different characters for partners. There is also a new Co-op and Counter Co-op mode. This involves 2 players. One being the good guy and the other on the bad side. A cheap technique to help the good guy win is to keep using Suicide Pills as the player keeps switching bodies of one bad guy to another.
Finally, I'll talk about the controls. If one has played any 007 games, then they are most likely to be familiar and comfortable with the Perfect Dark controls. However for those who have not, it doesn't take long to get used to the controls and already be on Special Agent missions.
Perfect Dark is a great game. A superb one during its time, but still going on strong today. Despite being a little short, Perfect Dark is still fun if you're a fan of FPS games.