One of the greates FPS to appear on the N64...
Perfect Dark is a FPS, and a very good one. You will guide Joanna on a variety of missions, with a variety of objectives, and will meet a variety of characters. Each level is unique, and they all have great aspects about them, such as being in a city, or out in the wilderness covered in snow.
In all of Joanna's adventures, you will have an assortment of hightech weaponry to choose from. Almost all guns in this game have a primary and a secondary function...sometimes the secondary function is just another type of shot, or other times they have other uses, such as using ammunition for shielding, or else throwing a nifty little gun called the laptop gun out, which will turn itself into a turret, and use all the bullets you had for it on its own if enemies come in range.
The game has great multiplayer. It can be split screen with up to 4 players, and there are both co-op modes and versus modes. In story mode, you and another person (I don't think 4 can do co-op, but I could be wrong) will travel through the missions in the game, and work together to achieve the mission objectives. In versus, you, your friends, and computer controlled characters can battle it out, either on teams of your choosing or all against all.
A great game to play, especially if you still play your N64, and if you do have an N64 and don't have this game, then I suggest you go find it, and play it because you will enjoy it!